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Apartment Balconies


AIREE underscores its commitment to addressing the critical shortage of accessible housing and mixed-use developments. Our focus is on supporting families and communities in under-resourced, rural, and urban areas who face challenges in securing quality residential and commercial spaces. Leveraging the support of grants and corporate sponsors, AIREE is strategically positioned to tackle the pressing issues within the housing supply chain, aiming to create substantial improvements in the most impacted communities.

Our Comprehensive Strategy

AIREE's approach is multi-faceted, involving the acquisition, refinancing, and renovation of existing properties to boost the availability of attainable housing. Moreover, we are actively involved in the initiation of new construction projects that not only cater to residential needs but also promote commercial mixed-use development. This comprehensive strategy is designed to invigorate communities, offering them a solid platform for growth and prosperity.

Impact and Vision

These initiatives are vital in uplifting the living conditions of populations in historically marginalized communities. By introducing more accessible housing options and fostering economic development through commercial projects, AIREE contributes to breaking the cycle of deprivation and igniting hope for a brighter, more equitable future.

Eligible Locations: South East (U.S.)

Modern Buildings Hologram


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