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Barley Fields


At AIREE, we envision a future where economic growth and improved quality of life in communities are achievable goals, thanks to the generous support of individuals and corporate partners committed to cultivating the next generation of leaders in the real estate industry. Your contributions are crucial, enabling us to offer vital resources and support to those poised to make a significant impact in real estate, to communities in need of revitalization, and to small businesses aiming for resilience and expansion.


Your donations fuel our mission, allowing us to implement comprehensive educational programs, hands-on redevelopment initiatives, and economic development opportunities in under-resourced, rural, and urban areas. They also enable us to provide mentorship to young adults and people of color, by unlocking the barriers to entry in the real estate sector and fostering a more inclusive, equitable, and thriving industry.


By supporting AIREE, you're not just making a donation; you're making an investment in the potential of our future real estate professionals and the communities they will uplift. You're ensuring that they have access to the tools, knowledge, and opportunities necessary for success. Together, we can lay a solid foundation for an industry and a society that values inclusivity, equity, and prosperity for all. Your partnership helps us create a legacy of positive change in the real estate industry and beyond, a legacy that will benefit generations to come.

you're not just making a donation; you're making an investment in the potential of our future real estate professionals and t


Our range of initiatives, including interactive workshops, engaging events, camps, hands-on volunteer opportunities, and personalized mentorships, is designed to empower youth and young adults with a robust understanding of the real estate industry.


This multifaceted approach not only equips participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the sector but also aids them in making informed decisions about their career paths. 


Our range of initiatives, including interactive workshops, engaging events, camps, hands-on volunteer opportunities, and personalized mentorships, is designed to empower youth and young adults with a robust understanding of the real estate industry.

Your contributions are crucial, enabling us to offer vital resources and support to young adults.t


Beyond its role in the Civil Rights Movement, Selma has a rich history dating back to its founding in the early 19th century. It served as an important center for agriculture and trade, particularly due to its location along the Alabama River.


The city played a strategic role during the Civil War, and its historic architecture reflects its antebellum past. Today, Selma continues to honor its history while striving for progress and inclusivity in a changing society.


Your contribution fuels transformative opportunities for participants enrolled in our Cultivate program. By donating, you provide them with hands-on training in crucial areas such as home repair, redevelopment, property listings, and mortgage finance.

Edmund Pettus Bridge copyright 2024 - Avitas Naturals

“Not until the creation and maintenance of decent conditions of life for all people are recognized and accepted as a common obligation of all people and all countries — not until then shall we, with a certain degree of justification, be able to speak of humankind as civilized."

     - Albert Einstein

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